The Working Mom: Part 2

This past week has been a whirlwind. Of activities. Of emotions. Of everything!

I’m enjoying being a working mom (for the most part!) and all the things that come with it. Like adult interaction and conversation. Money is nice. And being surrounded by designer labels doesn’t hurt either!

It’s hard to leave him every morning, but it is getting easier. And I appreciate my “Stay At Home Mom Days” that much more. It is hard to be on my feet all day, and then come home and put on my Supermom cape. I’m worn out, tired, and maybe even a little grumpy somedays. {who, me??} But I’m adjusting and I hope I won’t be a zombie forever 🙂

The only things that have me a little down, aren’t so bad I guess. We decided to give him formula during the days I am at work. I neve thought The F-Word would creep into our lives, and Chazz’s belly, but it ended up being the easiest for all involved. I do pump and dump to keep my supply up, and boy is it hard to pour that “liquid gold” out! I’m trying not to feel guilty about not exclusively nursing him to One like I planned. But hey, nothing really goes as planned, does it?!

I don’t really know where I’m going with this post, but this is all a big change, and my mind is still transitioning! So bear with me, as I try to fit it all in, and find time to blog as well.

And, as always, any advice is much appreciated! So if you have “been there, done that” help a mama out.

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11 Comments (+add yours?)

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  2. jade
    Aug 08, 2010 @ 16:32:17

    Only just discovered your blog, congratulations on the working and taking care of a little one, oh I so know how hard it is – but just wondering WHY you cannot keep the milk for your boy? anyone feeding him when you’re not around can give him your milk when there is enough and just give supplements when necessary no???? what a waste throwing it out! you can take it home in special “cool bags”, keep it in the freezer (for 3 months at least), and yes, it takes a little time to heat it up au bain marie, but come on, formula if you have your own??? by the way, the days I go off to work, I do not pump and my daughter (14 months) still gets loads out of me (she is very willing I must agree) when I am back (and also the days I do not work) – I wouldn’t worry about pumping if it is not to keep it – it will just tire you out even more (you are producing the “gold stuff” – it takes away your energy as well…)
    sorry for rambling on – and for the very bad lay out – am a bit tired
    good luck finding a way that suits all – and please not that I did not mean to criticize, am only trying to support another “young” (am not that young anymore) stay-at-home-working mother – kind regards


  3. Forever&After
    Aug 08, 2010 @ 17:33:26

    Wow, Jade, thank you for all of your ideas and sharing your advice. Man it is a pain throwing out that milk. I originally decided with formula because I was afraid pumped milk would be a hassle on his caregivers, who formula fed their babies.

    It is such a comfort to hear that your supply isn’t effected by dropping a feeding or two, I will have to try that for us. (you are right, pumping does tire me out!)

    Thank you for swinging by and offering some much valued advice!


  4. angela
    Aug 08, 2010 @ 20:03:09

    I went back to work after my first child, and I ended up giving her formula during the day. I tried to keep up pumping, but it was hard to find a place to do it (I was a teacher.) Anyway, I was worried that it would mess with my supply, but my body really adjusted. I would nurse her before work and evenings during the week and all day on the weekend without any problem. I was able to do that from 6 months to 11 months. Also, I wouldn’t say I am one of those people with an over-abundant supply, so I think you would be ok not pumping during the day if you are just dumping it.

    Good luck adjusting to your new schedule! And good luck not spending all of your extra money on the cute designer things you are surrounded by 🙂


  5. Kerri
    Aug 09, 2010 @ 09:57:39

    Sorry for the random drop in your post was touching–it is incredible hard to be doing everything you are- working at both the office and taking care of everything at all not to mention being surrounded by designer labels (how hard it is to resist running out to buy all of them!) seriously though i think your amazing and need to stop guilt-tripping yourself about the formula b/c you are right NOTHING ever goes as planned.



  6. Amanda (Mama Lungo)
    Aug 11, 2010 @ 22:40:47

    Congrats on the job! I am a working mama of 2 and I love my kids and my job.
    As far as bumping/bf/formula ~ I pumped at work for both kiddos and never had any issue with daycare giving them a breast milk bottle. And like you some of the other moms, I LOATHE pumping and did it until my kids were 6-7 months old. Then I quit and they got formula at daycare and nursed at home. I didn’t have any supply issues. But you have to do what works for you and your family.
    I worried about my kids missing me/me missing them while I was at work and I know I missed them more. Both the kiddos love “school” and have amazing teachers that dote on them so I know they are in good hands. And I know my 3 yr old is learning and engaged and having way more fun than I could give her at home everyday, all day long. Not that I don’t wnat to be with my kids, but this what works for our family.
    Good luck with job and everything else!


  7. Forever&After
    Aug 13, 2010 @ 12:40:40

    Thank you all for the helpful tips. I’m going to try not pumping this week and see how it works with my supply and all. So far, the Little Man is adjusting well and I am tired, but doing good. Thanks again, super mamas!


  8. Sena Fontane
    Aug 19, 2010 @ 16:19:04

    Loving that you have come over t wordpress!!!! Yay!

    You have an amazing strength as a woman, Send some over to me please!


  9. Amber
    Aug 24, 2010 @ 16:41:20

    I ended up having to supplement with formula as well – my milk only kept for a day when I pumped it. Even if I froze it, when defrosted it would be skunky and the boy would refuse it. Motherhood changes us all and makes us do things we never thought we would, but also gives us the luxury of a little ones love. Know your doing the best for your boy and really, that’s all that we have to offer. amber 🙂


  10. the grumbles
    Sep 10, 2010 @ 12:06:27

    i’ve exclusively pumped at work for more than 8 months now- if you ever need help, let me know. you could always freeze what you get and keep it for later, a vacation or a rainy day. no reason to throw it away! or even better, donate it to a milk bank.


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